

I smell the roses
I hear the birds sing
I see the trees dance
And when I inhale deep, long breaths, I am relaxed.
I am awake
I am part of the life I live
A star in my own movie.

Let’s back it up…

Wait! Wait! When will I get in?
When oh when
When will it all make sense
Did you just say it’s 3years already?
When did that happen? How come time flew by so fast.
Aargh! My plans, dreams
They are still just wishes for the sweet by and by.
When will I live?

With a disappointing anticipation
A new year commenced
And yes the same as the last
But yet something differed
A decision to find self.


The result…


Oh yes it paid off
And now I star in my own movie
Living each day in the beauty of the moment
Today is a gift I hold dear
Today is a time that’s precious.
For the worries of tomorrow have been shelved for tomorrow
I am living the best today possible
And yes tomorrow too will be beautiful.

I live Awake!

God knows our moments, he holds them dear. {Psalm 139 vs 16}


-His Handmaiden


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