Do you sometimes look at your life and feel like you are not where you thought you are to be?
Do you sometimes feel like life has dealt you a blow below the belt?
Truth be told we all get into that boat of feeling short changed by life. Life not dealing fairly.
Have you heard the saying “when life throws lemons at you, make lemonade”?
It’s a simple truth.
Yes, you envisioned after finishing your Bachelor’s degree at 21 that you will land your dream job and life will go well and as planned, yet this is 5 years after graduation and you are still waiting to get an “Any job”?.
Yes, you may never in your wildest dream have thought that you will face so many obstacles! Like every step is a test. Blockages and annoying turns here and there. And then looking over the fence, not too far away, you spot your friend who is a high flier, and yes, all the goals your friend wrote all those many years ago have all come to pass!
It’s tough!
I can identify.
In my interactions with people especially over the past few years, I have come to see a lot of people who feel life has not been totally fair with them.
I have felt like that too, and on some occasion, I still do.
But today I share a story that inspired me, of a very ordinary man, with an amazing unbroken spirit. It’s the story of John Sumonu (source: StorytellerMedia)
In the words of the storyteller herself, Toyin Fajj –
“many are those who, for one obstacle or the other, have lost dreams of a better tomorrow but today John’s story comes as a ray of hope. His message is simple; the plans may change but with determination your destination can remain the same – Nothing is Impossible.”
Who is John Sumonu?

A man who was born with a lot of hopes and dreams, both in his heart and that of his family. Till one day, he became ill and was taken to the hospital and an injection was wrongly administered to him which changed everything.
John’s parents found out that their little boy in whom they had lots of dreams and hopes about, will no longer be able to use his legs! I cannot even begin to imagine what they had to go through. Due to his physical challenge, he did not start school till he was 10 years of age.
Through all of these, John had a choice- either to take life as it was and succumb to it, given that he was disadvantaged or win the hand dealt to him by life, to live an amazing life he always dreamed.
Well, I am writing about him now because he chose to win the hand he was dealt! #thankGod.
John in his interview said “There is no impossibility anywhere, you only create one for yourself”
- John presently works as an accountant in an organisation in Lagos
- He is married and has a daughter and
- He is pursuing his dream of graduating from university in one of the notable tertiary institutions in Lagos, Nigeria.
John has an Unbroken Spirit!
You can watch his story told by StoryTeller Media Here
Like John, we all are faced with the choice to either Succumb to the unfairness of life, or Win the hand we have been dealt by life, trusting God to make it all Beautiful.
“And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose”
-Rom 8:28 Amplified
Later on in our life’s journey, when we look back, connecting the dots of our lives, we will see how the whole puzzle fits together into a lovely masterpiece
“For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off”
-Proverbs 23:18 KJV
Till next time,
Live Inspired!
-His handmaiden.
Very inspiring. Thanks Reni!
Inspiring write up.Pls keep it up and write more often.
‘STRONG COURAGE’ & ‘LOOKING UP’ is the secret to fulfilling ones dream no matter the situation.
Lovely and Inspiring one. Keep it up dear
God bless you real good.
Amen Dear!
I came across a scriptural verse that says…’and God made my life complete when i laid the pieces before Him’…He will make it complete, just lay it down and trust Him. Thanks for the piece….